Developmental Milestones

Baby Milestones

Compared to most species humans come into the world very underdeveloped. Born with blurry vision, unable to walk, talk, or fend for ourselves, we have to learn all basic survival skills one step at a time.

Each phase of your infant’s development is accompanied by appropriate ages. Some infants develop a little faster some a little slower. Between the ages of 0-2 years old, the majority of milestones are motor skills. Such as: baby learning how to hold their head up, developing muscle strength to prepare themselves to crawl, stand and walk. Between the ages of 18 months to 2 years of age communication and adaptive skills take over. Regardless of the what age your little one is at there are four developmental areas that will assess developmental stages.

Baby Milestones over 12 months

Motor Skills

The skills are divided into 2 categories. Gross and Fine motor skills.  Gross motor skills are basic activities that require global movements such as baby holding his head up. Fine motor skills are more connected to dexterity, ability to touch and hold items.

Social Skills

The ability to interact with other people and participation in activities. Smiling, and laying with toys are examples of the special skills. Must of the social skills will start to be evident 18months to 2 years. However these interactions are forming pathways in the brain from birth.

Communication Skills

The ability to develop vocabulary and hearing ability.

Adaptive Skills

This requires cognitive understanding and interoperation of environmental changes.

Remember that your infant’s greatest need is YOU. Loving them and making them feel secure in their world. really you are their WORLD.

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