Benefits of Tummy Time!

Too often in practice does a mother tell me that her baby hates tummy time, and that it’s stressful to try and enforce it stressful for both the baby and the mother. If your baby begins to cry as you introduce tummy time into their routine, it’s important to know that it is not because the baby is in pain or is uncomfortable. Generally, it is because the activity we are asking the baby to do is developmentally beyond their reach, a little like when we take up running for the first. When we start training, we may feel breathless a little un-eased. Once we repeat the activity over and over it becomes easier.  

This is the first step toward building the baby’s muscle tone in the arms, legs, neck, head and torso needed for crawling, walking and eventual reading and writing in the classroom. Tummy time can be hard work!  Try and understand that eventually the baby will develop the strengthen and agility  to continue, but just like our training it does take time and some babies need a little extra motivation.

Along with increasing strength that assists certain milestones from being met, tummy time can help with future readying and cognitive development through 3 neurological pathways that are fired up as soon as the tummy hits the ground.

Increases Sensory Input

We now know that 0-6 year olds sensory input drives cognitive development. That’s why there is a push for playtime rather then learning time in the before 6 year olds. Sensory integration into the brain, sets the foundations for future learning. In a new born, tummy time further increases this sensory input. To enhance the sensory stimulation try and change up the surfaces such as; using a blanket, mothers skin, grass, etc.


Is a fancy word that really means body’s awareness in space. It’s feedback from your muscles, joints and balance centres to the brain to tell your brain where your joints are and what steps need to be taken out with movement.

An example of this is when lifting a pen the proprioception feed sends all the appreciate messages to the brain and then the brain signals the contraction of muscles, strength and movement that needs to be carried out by the body. If you have ever seen a toddler try to walk, their proprioception is still taking place thats why they are usually wobbly and clumsy!

Vestibular function

Means sense of movement. This is one of the most important reasons to provide tummy time, without the body having a sense of movement or a decrease sense of movement; they may struggle with reaching milestones such as crawling, sitting and standing. This system really is whats makes moment nice and smooth.

Sensory Play with Tummy Time

Tummy time is crucial to your child’s cognitive, sensory and motor development. This simple activity, easily completed in approximately 20 minutes a day, is both beneficial, bonding and fun! Don’t stress out if your baby cries and hates tummy time, just by having him on his tummy for 1 min twenty times a day is just as effective as lying for 20 minutes straight. With most babies now-a-days spend most of their time on their backs in prams, bouncers, car seats. It’s more important to provide tummy time for your little bubba’s developing brain.

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