Contact Our Clinic in Liverpool
Our Team Speak English & Arabic
Frequently Asked Questions
Please Read Our FAQ Before Sending Us A Message
What are we doing to protect against COVID-19?
The health and safety of our patients and staff is of utmost importance to us. Please continue to check in on our website and social media pages for updates on how we are dealing with this situation
Are we still open?
Yes! The Australian government, the relevant health departments have stipulated that Allied Health Services are considered an essential service during the COVID-19 pandemic
What are the team at Living Health Clinic doing to ensure your safety?
We have updated our waiting room to accommodate for social distancing
We have changed the way we organise our appointment books to ensure there aren’t a lot of people in the waiting room
We have increased our already rigorous disinfection and contamination protocols at regular and frequent intervals
All surfaces are consistently being wiped down or sprayed with hospital grade disinfectant
Your therapist with be wearing a face mask, gloves and gown for your safety
No staff will be attending work if they are unwell or have been in contact with someone who is unwell
What do I need to do to come in?
If you are unwell or have been in contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19 please call us to reschedule your appointment
Please practice your own hand hygiene and use the hand sanitiser on on the way in and on the way out of the clinic
If you need to use our restroom please ensure you wash your hands for at least 20 seconds and use the paper towels provided
Please help us by not bringing in any extra people into the clinic
If you prefer to wait for your appointment in your car, away from others we can do that and will let you know when it’s almost your time to come in
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